Free sliding keyguard: Nexave 1.3g

Another minor update for the free, sliding and transparent keyguard replacement, called Nexave. I basically added support for kMeteo for weather data and improved the screen density handling to fix screen distortions  (alerts are drawn in high resolution coordinates) which could happen in few situations. Go to the official page at to grab it.

And now to something different:

Albert, R.I.P.

August 28, 2008 ¡ admin ¡ 6 Comments
Posted in: Allgemein, Developing

6 Responses

  1. DrYak - August 28, 2008

    I just tested Nexave on my Zodiac.
    When the display is oriented in landscape (default mode on a Zodiac), and the graffiti area is retracted (like on the main menu, for example), only the buttons correctly remove the keyguard, the slide cause a critical failure and freeze the OS.

    The message box contains only a bunch of hex value, no meaningful pointers into code (like : “file.c:123” that some other software produce). Is there a way to obtain more useful information about where the error happened ?

    BTW: Sorry for your cat.

  2. admin - August 29, 2008

    Thank you for the report. I found the reason and fixed it. I’ll release it in a couple of days.

  3. imop45 - August 30, 2008

    hi I have been using nexave since it first came out and was released only as a test progeam (right?) so I love this program. But some of the recent updates have been.. iffy. I loved that it didN’T have rounded corners at first, everything has rounded corners in Palm OS, so it was nice to see a change. all of these minor changes were acceptible until this most recent one, 1.3g. All glitches aside (“Sprint” flashes when “:” flashes to show seconds passing, and no button control (center or page down) only on screen sliding works on my centro) well all glitches aside, ignoring those, the graphics on this one are not as good as even the first one. The battery gauge is the worst of them all. Luckily I backed up my older version of nexave (1.2) and will use that for now. Would it be possible to have some graphic options, i.e. rounded or straight corners, battery level colors change when low and critical or battery level colors stays the same? I admire your work on this, and I’m not try to critize your work. I just don’t want this program to go to waste 🙁 Thank you for anything you can do.

  4. admin - August 30, 2008

    You really like the sharp corners more then the round one? Ok, I make it optional. The flashing Sprint is the operator/number alteration. What about the battery gauge? I could make it optional too.
    The keys should still work, I use them every time. Are you sure you selected both and unchecked +Option?

  5. imop45 - August 31, 2008

    Yes, I checked them and unchecked them. I’m not really concerned about that, I know its not a problem that will last. The older style gauges seemed better quality, having the colored gauge below the “Battery %” font. This is probably b/c having it directly on the colored gauge shows more of the imperfections than the normal transparent black.
    Well everything in Palm is round, I love your work b/c it’s innovative and non-traditional.

  6. imop45 - August 31, 2008

    On previous ones, sprint didn’t blink.

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