Windows 8.1 network problems
Since some days I had really strange network problems: My computer got a wifi connection but couldn’t open any website. I tried to ping but without success. I tried to connect to my router without success. Very mysterious, my Smartphone had no problems to access the Internet or the router using the same wifi network.
After two days of blaming my wifi card in my computer I recognized that existing connections on my desktop still worked when I’m unable to create a new connection. Opening a cmd-window and issuing a netstat command showed a bunch of open, established or even waiting connections. Maybe I did run out of free sockets?
After some deeper examinations (netstat -b is your friend) I found many entries from mDNSResponder.exe and tunmgr.exe. Both belong to Blackberry Link software which I actually was forced to install some days ago as I connected my little Blackberry Alpha C device.
I went to Software and Features in System Settings, searched for Blackberry Link software and pressed uninstall. After a couple of minutes my whole network issue went away. What a terrible piece of software…
tl;dr; uninstall Blackberry Link software if you have strange network connection problems.
Juni 4, 2014
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