Transparent PalmOS keyguard (for free)

Some may know about my free transparent PalmOS keyguard with the nice wipe effect, called Nexave. Shimon the developer of 4cast added a line of the current weather forecast into the latest Nexave version. You need 4cast installed. I’ve picked it up and finally added a field to display the current traffic in Nexave if you have the latest 2LaunchMe installed on your device.

I’ve also added an indicator to show if you have unconditional forwarding in your phone enabled. So you have: Loud, Mute, Fwrd.

On request I’ve added the possibility to dismiss the keyguard with center + opt or page down + opt.

Grab it from the download page or directly here (with source).

And a small hint at the end: Are you looking for cool Software for your new Centro Smartphone or your (a bit older) Treo with Palm OS? Look here, they have several great titles reduced (2Cool4U is one of them). It’s only this week – hurry up.

cu, Henk

August 15, 2008 · admin · 3 Comments
Posted in: Allgemein, Developing, Palm

3 Responses

  1. neclepsio - August 26, 2008

    There is no source in the file pointed by “source” link… How can I get it?

    Thank you.

  2. admin - August 26, 2008

    I will release a new update tonight (with kMeteo connection) and take care to add the source too.

  3. fanofdatreo - April 4, 2009

    Hi Henk:

    Really nice app! Wish I had stumbled across it sooner. I love the weather and the fact that you can determine how long the keyguard stays on. (I’m also a proud owner of PhoneDisconnect 2.5 and OperaFrontEnd.)

    There are certain things, however, that I’m not that interested in seeing (like my phone number & wireless provider, memory state, the status of things turned off, week #, etc.) and I was wondering if you would potentially add the ability/option to toggle on/off some of the information that is displayed.

    I can see where some people would appreciate it — it’s just that I’m of the mindset that “less” is “more” and I would prefer to turn some things off if I could. I just love the simplicity of the overall transparent look.

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